Innovations in weight loss

Oct 27, 2023
Before 172 pounds
New medications available

I know how it feels...

Like you don't deserve to be thin.  Like you have tried and failed EVERYTHING.  Like you can't spend another dime on just another something that too will fail.  Like you are just supposed to be overweight.  

The guilt for simply eating something delicious.  

The shame for having nothing that fits.  

The disgust when you see a photo.  

The fear of dying too young.  

I know how it feels to FINALLY have something work.  

Weight loss medications are game changers. A simple weekly injection can metabolically reset the broken pathways that create weight gain.  Now weight loss is achievable at levels previously only seen with bariatric surgery.  

My life has changed.  Let's see if we can get you there as well.  

Dr. Tucker